Who We Are
Founded in 1995 the Norwegian Store is the largest retailer of Norwegian knitwear in the United Kingdom. Located in the heart of the Lake District, this charming shop is unique to Keswick and offers a shopping experience you will find nowhere else.
We are dedicated to quality and authenticity. We strive to raise awareness in the benefits and sustainability of natural fibers such as wool, and hope that with our extensive range we can help you find exactly what you're looking for.

Wool is a traditional industry that has become sadly misunderstood in today's world. For hundreds of years sheep have been bred to produce wool for clothing, blankets, and other textiles, and no longer shed their own coats. Shearing is an essential part of life for sheep, and the wool that comes from a sheep can make eco-friendly and sustainable clothing.

Customer Care
We are happy to help! Our staff are here to answer any questions you may have about our products and help you choose what's right for you.